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Showing posts from 2017

5 Ways To Grab Attention With A Videowall

Interactive display wall create an immersive, big-screen experience that never fails to capture eyeballs. They’re easy to update and use for multiple messages—your own or someone else’s. But video walls are large investments that have their challenges: Both installation and content creation require planning and expertise to be effective and avoid any equally large errors. How can you use videowall to deliver impactful messages to your audience and make the most of your investment? Here are five tips that will help you reap the maximum benefits. Identify and Understand the Goals Behind Installing Your Videowall Simply installing a video wall because your competitors are doing so is bad business. Instead, base your decision on the tactics you want to use to market your brand, and how adding a video wall integrates with those efforts. The first question to ask before you pour any money into a video wall is: Why do you need one? It’s wise to consider the following fac...

Tips To Get Your Videowall Up And Running

Deploying a stunning video wall that stays within your budget can be a stressful, even be overwhelming task.  So many options, so many potential pitfalls.  While I don't claim to have a single magic secret that will make all your videowalls perfect, I have been thinking about how to boil down some best practices to help. Here’s a list of 10 tips that you should follow to help your videowall deployment go as smoothly as possible. Clearly establish the main goal for your videowall Define the business use of the video wall, and how you want to engage with end-user. With this info, you will have a better idea of the kind of video wall solution you need. Size of space and displays The wall surface will limit the size of your video wall solutions , but you also need to consider the number of displays and their sizes. Keep in mind the larger displays you use the fewer bezel lines you'll have but the more you'll pay...